Thursday, September 06, 2007

Don't Forget Your Power Towel

This is Kansas State's attempt to involve their students in their games.

It's not Hot, Hot, Hot, but it's pretty cheesy.


Zee said...

That's awesome. I think they got those special effects from 1989.

I think those were the most unaffected guys I've ever seen. They were like Eeyore asking everyone to bring their power towels.

Hot, hot, hot was much better... Go ASU!

John said...

Eeyore..that's great!

If I were at a K-State game, I couldn't help but laugh at this! But, they aren't afraid to invent new traditions.

This video is making the rounds on the Internet. I've seen it on OU and TCU boards already tonight.

Don't forget your Power Towel!

And, even when it's cold, cold, cold, Appalachian is Hot, Hot, Hot!

Zee said...

CommunityQuickHits is HOT HOT HOT! ;)

John said...

Maybe you should change your team name to Hot, Hot, Hot! :-)

Zee said...

Tempting. Entertainment news for you would be cool. Even thought about doing a little tribute to Carter Albright of Sorta since he was killed this week (Danny's roommate and bandmate of Sorta), but nothing decent comes to mind so I'll keep it like it is. :)

Maybe my brother will think of something since he's my co-manager now!

John said...

The most abrasive and over the top personality in the Dallas-Fort Worth market, here he is, the Cobra!

Maybe you could be the Cobras. Or, Abrasive & Over The Top. :-)

"...Entertainment...Entertainment...Entertainment News For You!..."

I like Hot, Hot, Hot! better. :-)